That sort of sums up the last weekend spet at J.P. Nagar residence of my college/hostel buddies. It was a true pleasure meeting them after what was a longish span. Some had changed, few even drammatically, but all in the positive sense. Was particularly impressed by one Maverick guy whom I always found poles apart from me while in college. Had a very dissapointing opinion about him. Boy! Has he changed! Must say that he indeed pleasantly surprised me. Was a true pleasure having his company for these days. I think I am glad that I met him, so as to comfortably dispose-off his previous image, that I had so preciously preserved since college days. Was particularly impressed by one Maverick guy whom I always found poles apart from me while in college. Had a very dissapointing opinion about him. Boy! Has he changed! Must say that he indeed pleasantly surprised me. Was a true pleasure having his company for these days. I think I am glad that I met him, so as to comfortably dispose-off his previous image, that I had so preciously preserved since college days.
In fact quite a few of us have changed in more ways than I thought we could do possibly. Some have lost the innocence, others have been so hardened by reality as to permanently impair their ability to dream, some have become too cynical and sceptical about their past as they bask in the essence of their present glory. All the while comfortably shelving to an unkempt corner of the mind the realisation that it is probably their that so ill-mouthed past that has brought him to this day. But then there are others, as the one whom I referred before who have beautifully bloomed from the promising bud stage to that of a shining flower.
Strangely it reminds me of the great philosopher Benjamin Disraeli,
"Life is too short to be little"
How profound!
Think Big and you'll be BIG.
You'll be big in happiness,
big in accomplishments,
big in friends,
big in prosperity,
big in RESPECT.
I thank all those friends of mine for the wonderful time I had with them and the splendid memories that I got!
I wish them Good Luck in whatever they pursue and pray that they arrive at their destination happily, content and in Peace.
We sure Rocks!